Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's time again...

The sun has set here...

Since I moved my blog over to the new Downeast Duck Hunter website, I can truly say things have certainly become more interesting.  Sponsors, castings, video productions, and the works have made things quite fascinating.  I had opted to keep this older site active as a resource for others, but I just merged the posts from here to the more visited site.  In one week, I'll be turning this website off to public viewing and if anyone chooses feel free to frequent my current site.  Take care,  The Downeast Duck Hunter

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's time...

For the 3.2 people that read my blog, you can find me at Downeast Duck Hunter.

So for now there will be no more posts here and I'll try to get going on some new stuff.

So see you in my parallel universe...

The Downeast Duck Hunter

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Working on some streamers...

This past weekend, I was digging around and came up with my father-in-law's old fly tying kit. The mother-in-law suggested I give it a try and it didn't take long for this to seem fairly easy and complicated at the same time.

My plans are to focus on streamer flies such as the black ghost, gray ghost, and other common works utilized in the Maine region. On taps is some ordering of materials based on the recipes for tying, and a couple of books. I would like to mention that there is an abundance on quality sites on youtube for the aspiring individual. It's pretty fun and if anyone wants to bounce ideas of off me then don't hesitate to post or email to the above listed address.

Below are a couple of flies, one done by me and the other constructed by my oldest daughter with minimal help from her dad.

My first stab...

My beauty's colorful work of art...

Here's a good link to the gray ghost... Click Here

It looks like the next fishing season is going to be quite favorable with ice fishing as long as there is ice and open water fishing once the ice is gone, I'll check the details out further and post on the new changes for 2010.

Take care,

The Downeast Duck Hunter